Thank you very much for requesting the "KOMEHYO Auction Introduction Materials".
Please click on the download button of the document you want immediately below.
Service Information Materials
- How much do I need to pay in fees and charges?
- What are the advantages for users?
- 22 pages including members-only <"free" market search>.
How to use the instant decision function
Guidance Materials
- Three advantages of the instant decision feature!
- One caveat you should know.
- What products should not use the instant decision feature? Such as.
jewelry Category
Exhibit Trend Report
- What is the breakdown of jewelry which has a monthly volume of 500 million?
- Which brands are the most frequently exhibited?
- How to read the auction screen. Such as.
Six months' worth of bidding market data
You can look at the overall trend and follow the market price changes over the past six months!
You can also look at the most recent results and use them as a guide to purchase prices!
You can also use it as a reference for choosing which auctions to participate in!
Member Case Studies
KOMEHYO Auction members who are currently participating in the KOMEHYO Auction will be open to the public free of charge.
How do you use auctions?"
"How easy is the service to use?"
"What are the benefits of the service?"
Find out by listening to the voices of our actual members!
Flow after request
1. Material DL
First, please download the requested documents from this page.
2. Confirmation of documents
Please read the downloadable documents and consider whether our auction can meet your requirements.
We recommend that you first read our service brochure and then read the material on the products you will be dealing with.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [TEL: 0120-252-226].
3. Proposal
Depending on the information you provide when requesting information, a member of our staff may call you.
In such cases, we will listen to your situation and provide you with information on how to use our auction services to suit your individual needs.
0120-252-226 If you have set your phone to reject calls from numbers other than the designated number, you will receive a call from the number listed below. 0120-252-226] Please specify the number of the "1" to be canceled.
If you are satisfied with the content of our auctions, please apply for membership through our website.
When can we contact you?
Depending on the information you provide when requesting information, a member of our staff may call you.
In such cases, we would appreciate it if you could provide us with your convenient time zone using the form below so that we can avoid calling you at a time that is inconvenient for you.