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Thank you for using KOMEHYO Auction. In order to improve our service, please feel free to let us know your opinions and impressions.
Pending Negotiation Date
入札最終日の翌日は保留交渉日となります。 保留交渉日とは、指値に届かなかった商品の最終入札金額をご確認いただき 明日の17時までに成立/不成立(売る/売らない)のご判断を頂く日です。
- Go to Sign in on the portal site.
- Click on "Pending Negotiations (Exhibit)" from the menu on the left side of the screen.
- Click "Select" on the row with the target auction and merchandise.
- Please check the current pending items/limit price/last bid amount, and select "Succeeded/Not Succeeded" from the blank space on the right side.
- After selecting "approved/unapproved," click on "Confirm Negotiation Result" in the upper right corner of the center of the screen. The selected result will be confirmed and the pending negotiation will end.
If you wish to see all results, please select "List Your Listings" from the menu on the left side of the top page.
About the Statement
You can check your statement from the portal site from 7:00 AM on the day after the pending negotiation date (Thursday).
- Click on "auction Check statement and download CSV" from the menu on the left side of the top screen.
- Target auction and click on the words "Statement of Settlement".
Pending Negotiation Date
入札最終日の翌日は保留交渉日となります。 保留交渉とは、ご出品者様が指値に届かなかったお品物の成立/不成立(売る/売らない)を ご判断を頂く日です。落札者様は、結果をご確認いただく日となります。
- Go to Sign in on the portal site.
- Click on "Bid List" from the menu on the left side of the screen.
- Click "Select" on the row with the target auction and merchandise.
- Click on "Results" from the light blue items to view by results.
- bid-rigging
- Successful bids (approved)
- other companies' bid
- Items for which bids were not successful because another company won the bidding (unsuccessful bids)
- putting on hold
- Items for which the exhibitor is considering approval or disapproval
- pending with another company
- Other companies Top Bid. Items under consideration for approval/rejection by the seller
- failure
- Items that were unsuccessful and no one bid on them (unsuccessful bids)
*Items that are unsuccessful by 3:00 p.m. may be renegotiated depending on the conditions. Click here for details.
- All results will be confirmed by 7:00 p.m. on the pending negotiation day at the latest.
About the Statement
You can check your statement from the portal site from 7:00 AM on the day after the pending negotiation date (Thursday).
- Go to the portal site Sign in and click on the menu on the left side of the top screen, "auction Check account details and download CSV".
- Target auction and click on the words "Statement of Settlement".
- Check the amount shown in "Amount Billed" on the upper right corner of the first page of the displayed statement.
- Please transfer the amount indicated in (3) to the "bank account" indicated in the square on the lower right corner of the first page.
- We will ship your purchased items from our company. If payment is not confirmed by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, the item will be shipped on Saturday or later as soon as the confirmation is received.
- The product arrives and is finished.